Friday 20 May 2016

A Good Life

  A good life is what everybody wants. But what does it mean to have a good life? Everybody has different ideas of a good life. Some people think more about themselves, others like to help people. Both are examples of good life, but as long as you are happy with yourself, you are having a good life. In my essays, I will tell you about my opinion of having a good quality life. You might not totally agree with me, but I am sure that you will learn something from it.
In my opinion for us to have a goodlife is we need to take care of our relationship with Allah,among humans and others.To achieve peace and good life,it is important for us to take a good care our relationship with Our Creator.We can never get close to Allah by being arrogant, full of pride and having a bad character and manners. Those who are closer to Allah possess humility, character, and good manners. Relationship with Allah means to develop the way of life which is pleasing to Allah and in accordance with the Qur’an and authentic sunnah of Prophet Muhammad sallallahu alaihe wassallam.The way to develop a relationship with Allah is through talking to him and listening to him. When you are in Salah you are actually talking to him and when you are reading the Qur’an you are listening to His Words. Start with the prayer. Spend time reciting and understanding the Qur’an. When you read the Qur’an you will feel that Allah is telling you something, STOP and ponder over the meanings. Pray and ask Allah to show you the guidance and ask for His help and His love.When it comes to relationships, we all want someone to respect us and for whom we have respect, too.Therefore as a human being,we need to respect others so that we could have a good life. It also can make peace in the world, as we are respect to each other thus can avoid war to happen. Chaos in the world can avoid us for having a good life.You can change the world by just being present in a meaningful way to all those around you. Being an obedient slave of Allah, a loving wife, mother, daughter, friend, or co-worker bears much fruit in your lives. 

Besides that,we also need to take care of our body from any diseases that effect our life .To assure that our body is good,we need to have a healthy diet, balance is the key to getting it right. Despite what you see in some diet books and TV shows, healthy eating can be really straightforward. Don't miss your breakfast and eat according to the pyramid table can lead us to a healthy and balance diet. Start to move your muscle and exercise atleast 3 times a week for 20 minutes each to ensure that your body is always in a good condition.Cycling is a truly invigorating and liberating experience. Whether you’re cycling to work, to school, to the shops or just for fun, the humble bicycle is an easy way to get more active.Running can be a fun and flexible way to exercise as it can help keep you in shape and lose weight too. Both of these exercise is a common exercise that have been done in our neighbourhood. There for, it would be more exciting to do those exercise with others as it also can improve our relationship with others, thus improve our health.

As a conclusion, it were very easy for us to achieve a good life as we stick to those ways, thus make the world as a safe place for our next generation to live their life. I hope that these essay can give knowledge and reminder for us to start change our life to become a better person in the future.

Benefits of Information Technology in Medical sectors

Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data. IT has been used in medical sectors since in the 90's in the managing the system in the sector.No one can deny that information technology (IT) is changing the way that medicine is practised. 
In medical sectors such as in hospitals, IT is used to increase the potential access to care as it can help in term of storing patient records electronically is that, in some cases, distance becomes irrelevant when consulting with a physician. Hospital information systems developed and started to take rich data (sounds, images, movies) on board. The acquisition, storage and transmission of medical data, especially from medical instrumentation, became increasingly digital, rendering the total electronic health record feasible. In fact, many concierge and other cash-based physicians already use the telephone and e-mail to communicate with their patients. Increasingly, doctors may use IT to assist patients in managing chronic diseases.
IT also help in research utilizing integrated databases of patient treatments across large populations will yield information on which treatments work best. To be effective, this would require following patients over many years. Clearly some patients with complex health conditions will benefit from better communications and coordination. It can help in storing the information of patient medical condition for the use of research of new treatment and drugs to treat other patients that severe the same diseases.


Name: Mohamad Ezzat Akhbar Bin Mohd Sangit
Student ID: 2015663752
Programme: Barchelor of Pharmacy UiTM
Status : Single
Hobby : Collecting stamp
Motto : Live each day as if your life had just begun

MGT417 class